Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Radically Cool Simplicity

"A path without a hear is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with a hear is easy; it does not make you work at liking it."

-Don Juan from the Wiseacre Chapter of RS

This quote started off the wiseacre chapter of RS which examined the motivation and joy with which one lives more sustainably. It is difficult, if not nearly impossible, to live a sustainable life if one simply does not care to do so. With America's fast food and disposable economy/ society it is far to tempting to be wasteful. Internally one needs the drive to preserve the planet in order to do so.

Before Radical Simplicity and this class, I was simply not motivated enough to live sustainably. I had all the means to do so stainless steel bottles, bicycle, whole foods gift card (just kidding), but I never used them. It was always so much easier just to pick up a water bottle then to wait and fill up my canteen. It was so much quicker hopping into the car then to walk or bike. Simply put, i was lazy and didn't see anything wrong with that. In ten years I see myself in an apartment with a girlfriend or friend with whom to share meals and living space. It would most likely be in an upscale location close to where I work. We would probably each have a car no garden as we would be far to busy to maintain one. We would eat out probably once a week and leave the apartment on weekends to travel and explore. I see myself eventually using my canteens more often and trying to be more sustainable. I also could see myself as pessimistic of all the other people not living sustainably. This pessimism would have led me to feel that I needed to partake in Earth's destruction or else I would lose out on planet Earth. I see myself driving everywhere, leaving the water running when I brush my teeth, and not educating my younger peers on preserving the Earth. I see myself as believing that Earth needs to be preserved but always waiting for someone to take the lead in revolutionizing America. I see myself identifying more with America's wasteful side than with the growing trend towards "green living"

But after taking this class/reading this book/ meeting inspirational people...
i know most importantly that if I want to see change and to lead a wholesome sustainable life. I need to take initiative. No one is going to baby me and remind me to turn off the lights, its all up to me. Earth should not be viewed as a commons but more like a home. If we destroy our home, we wont have any place to live. Something in me has clicked, and I realized that i need to be the change I want to see. Now I see myself in ten years leading a more sustainable lifestyle. I see my modest home surrounded on four sides by lush guardians and natural forest ecosystems. I see myself content with my efforts and more in touch with mother nature and her bounty. I recently took a walk in the botanical gardens here at UCLA, as it is my "secret spot" and reaffirmed how much I love nature and all she has to offer. I want a life where I wake up to the sound of birds and other critters and not to the sound of gnarled traffic and machinery. There is nothing worse than living a life void of escape. My material goal of the future is to cut back on the amount I spend. There is no need for excess. In ten years I see myself growing a multi tiered garden in a small home within biking distance of my work place so as to avoid driving and adding fossil fuels. However, I do not see myself trying to earn less or spending less on health care. Also I would still incorporate protein into my diet and eating out. I want to be sustainable but I don't want to give up the things I enjoy doing. I enjoy socializing and hitting up the town. I enjoy traveling and will carpool with friends to places. (If I own a car, it will be very fuel efficient.) We will go camping together and whatnot. I would also drive to visit my parents as we are really close. I will also definitely stop using plastic bottles. I will incorporate sustainable technology into my home such as solar panels, green roofs, and proper insulation. If I ever have kids I will make sure that they are taught not to waste and to appreciate the earth. Overall, in ten years I see myself progressed much from where I am today. It is my goal to see that happen.

As inspiring as radical simplicity is, I could never imagine myself living that way. Merkel leads a life I could never imagine myself living. As much as I would like to help out others, I want stability and security especially in my income and health care. I have invested far to much energy into gaining an education to not continue on to a good paying job. I want to be able to support my family and give my children a childhood where they are allowed to go to Disneyland and to other states. In summary I think that he goes to far because it would be difficult to support a family with his lifestyle. Much as nature serves as an escape for people living in the city, so too might the city be for those living in nature. I think that a balance between the two lifestyles is what is necessary. I believe that in order to create change, we need to work within the system and not on the outskirts. People I am sure are willing to change some aspects of their lives, but not very many I believe are willing to give it all up to live radically simple. As cool and ideal as simple living is, parts of it are for me and yet other parts are not. All the more power to those who can though. You guys are awesome.

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