Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Climbing Pt Dume...and realizing im not alone on this quest for self preservation

Okay so... I went climbing at point Dume out in malibu this saturday with theta xi and had a BLAST!

Aside from meeting more of the guys, I had an awesome time enjoying nature. So we got there and me and my friends mike and Bob went to go explore the tide pools. Its so awesome how so much life could be sustained in such a small area. Then a bunch of us set up the climbing gear and we began to climb. it was awesome. i had bought climbing shoes at the used gear sale here at the gym wooden center and they worked GREAT! REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. So i reused and i found absolutely nothing wrong with them and i saved a ton of money on my car insurance. wait climbing shoes. okay lame. but yeah, being up on that rock was amazing. You could just stop and stare out at the ocean or at the beach below you. The earth is an amazing, wonderful place that if we all took a second to stop and appreciate would be worthwhile to preserve.

On the way back we somehow started talking about sustainability and how, sustainability is really becoming much more popular. Is it because it is cool and hip, or do people genuinely realizing that we need to preserve our planet? Im sure there are those from both ends of the spectrum. However, we also talked much about what we had talked about in class, such as eating low on the food chain, the ubiquity of commercial corn, food inc, and simple living. It was awesome to hear how so many people are interested in the things that we are learning, people from all different backgrounds. We also talked about the three R's Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle and how recylcing, although a great alternative to landfills is in fact the lowest amongst those three. My friend Beth who is an agricultural economist told us that plastic bottles are only truely recycled once and then thrown away for quality issues. It made me think that, although i do recylce which is good, it would be better to never use bottles in the first place. Why dont they just put everything into aluminum cans? Plastic really is a killa'!

I had such a good time on Saturday not only because of the wonderful experience but also the confirmation i had that others care about our planet too. Thanks World!

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