Saturday, May 1, 2010

Progress Report

So this last week I attended the sustainability meeting for Theta Xi and we discussed implementing solar panels on our roof to become both more sustainable and cost-efficient in the long run. It is however extremely costly with an 8 kW system costing approximately $110, 000 to purchase and install. There are however, a number of government incentives and tax breaks that help lower the costs of installing and running solar systems. Descriptions of the rebates can be found here:

This will help out the house's electricity bill and will also set a precedent for the other Greek houses to consider installing solar panels as well. Right now we are applying to the alumni board to grant us money to go ahead with the project. We are appealing under the terms that this is a major house renovation that will benefit and save money for the fraternity in for the long run.

Also I am slowly taking over duties for composting the house's organic wastes. Brian Hengesbaugh who currently runs it is teaching me the way we do it. We alternate between a later of greens (kitchen scraps), then a layer of browns (decaying leaves which we collect from the yard) and add hot water every other week. I'm enjoying learning the ropes, but sometimes the kitchen scraps smell. But its all good, we are doing a good service. The compost we acquire goes directly to fertilizing our garden which after a recent harvest, is again in the beginning stages of growth.

I am still working on documenting all the resource activities and energy outputs of the house and will have most of it done next week.

As for getting into contact with nature, I am joining the fraternity tomorrow to go rock climbing at Pt. Dume in Malibu.

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